Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Water Services Act 2021 (Exemption No. 001, Torrent Bay Township Committee) General Exemption Notice 2023

This notice is issued pursuant to section 57 of the Water Services Act 2021 (“Act”), by the Head of Regulatory of Taumata Arowai acting under delegated authority.


1. Title

This notice is the Water Services Act 2021 (Exemption No. 001, Torrent Bay Township Committee) General Exemption Notice 2023.

2. Commencement

The exemption comes into force on 1 January 2024.

3. Exemption

Torrent Bay Township Committee, in relation to the Torrent Bay drinking water supply (TOR002), is exempted from compliance with the requirements listed in section 57(1) of the Act.

The exemption is subject to the following conditions:

Torrent Bay Township Committee must ensure:

  1. All private residences that receive drinking water from the Torrent Bay drinking water supply either have end-point treatment consisting of cartridge filtration and UV disinfection, or arrangements making occupiers aware of the need to boil water before it is consumed.
  2. Adequate signage advising consumers to boil water before drinking is installed and maintained in visually prominent places at the taps at the Torrent Bay Village Campsite, the Torrent Bay public toilet, and the taps at the Torrent Bay Jetty.
  3. Adequate signage advising consumers to boil water before drinking is installed and maintained in a visually prominent place if any new public taps are installed.
  4. Taumata Arowai is promptly informed of any new or altered circumstances that may change the hazards or risks affecting the supply.

4. Reasons for Granting the Exemption

The exemption has been granted for the following reasons:

  1. Having regard to the scale, complexity and risk profile the Torrent Bay drinking water supply and subject to the conditions above, the general exemption applied for by the Torrent Bay Township Committee is consistent with the main purpose of the Water Services Act 2021 (other than the duty to have a drinking water safety plan).
  2. It is impractical for the Torrent Bay Township Committee to comply with the statutory duties that would otherwise apply.

5. Term

This exemption expires on the close of the day that is 5 years after the date on which it takes effect, unless it is sooner replaced or revoked.

6. Secondary Legislation

This exemption is secondary legislation as defined in the Legislation Act 2019.

7. Administering Agency

The administering agency for this exemption is Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator.

Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of December 2023.

STEVE TAYLOR, Head of Regulatory, Taumata Arowai.