Notice Type
Incorporated Societies
Notice Title


Notice of Direction for the Disposition of the Surplus Assets of a Dissolved Incorporated Society

Pursuant to Section 27(1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (“Act”)

Pursuant to section section 27(1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (“Act”) take notice that the Registrar of Incorporated Societies (“Registrar”) has, following the dissolution by the Registrar on 28 April 2008 of the above-named Society, directed pursuant to section 27 of the Act that the surplus assets of the Society, being:

  • $17,753.84 held by IRD

be vested as follows in:

  • ACORN FOUNDATION – a registered Charitable Trust (1378511)

This direction shall become final on 3 January 2024. No appeal shall lie unless notice thereof is delivered before that date.

Dated this 23rd day of November 2023.

SHEREE MCDONALD, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

Address: New Zealand Companies Office, Level 1, 162 Victoria Street West, Auckland 1010. Website: