Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Introduction of a Ministerial Scheme Under Section 8A of the Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology Act 1990-Energy and Minerals Research

Direction to: The Foundation for Research, Science and Technology ("the Foundation").
Under section 8A of the Foundation for Research, Science, and Technology Act 1990, I direct the Foundation to allocate funds in accordance with the Energy and Minerals Research Scheme ("the Scheme") as specified in this notice.
Objective of the Scheme
The objective of this Scheme is to increase the contribution of energy and minerals to New Zealand’s economic growth, enhance energy security and assist New Zealand to meet future energy and mineral needs in efficient, affordable and environmentally responsible ways.
The Scheme will support research, science and technology (RS&T) that is intended to be of benefit to New Zealand.
It is also expected that the Scheme will support relevant research that contributes to unlocking the innovation potential of Maori knowledge, resources and people as outlined in the Vision Matauranga policy framework. International collaboration will be supported where this is relevant and of benefit to the objectives of the Scheme.
Indicators of Success
If successful, the Scheme will generate and support the uptake of RS&T that will contribute to:
- improving the knowledge of our petroleum and mineral endowment;
- efficacious mineral extraction and increased energy production;
- enhancing New Zealand’s standing as an attractive destination for investment in petroleum and mineral related activities;
- effective minimisation and/or management of the environmental impacts of mineral extraction and energy production, including greenhouse gas emissions;
- improving energy security through the development of
a more efficient, cost-effective, and robust electricity generation system and the development of economically viable New Zealand-sourced bio-energy; and
- increasing export returns from selling energy and mineral resources, technologies and services.
The above indicators will be measured by the Foundation at a sector level and will provide some indication of the success of the Scheme through regular evaluations.
Nature of the Scheme
The Scheme will achieve its objectives by supporting RS&T in the following two areas:
- Energy Resources - encompasses research in economically viable, environmentally sustainable and efficient energy generation from indigenous sources;
to provide the knowledge and capabilities to unlock
the potential of New Zealand’s energy resources and assist the transition to an energy future that maximises efficiency, economy and sustainability whilst managing environmental impact.
- Minerals - encompasses research to increase understanding of the resource base and assist commercially- and environmentally-informed decision-making about extracting minerals from the ground and seabed.
Tools for Allocating Funding
RS&T supported under this Scheme must in each case fit one of the following tools1:
- Science-led contestable funding - investing through a contestable process in RS&T and related activities.
- Long-term non-contestable funding - using
non-contestable processes to invest in RS&T and
related activities.
- Partnerships - support RS&T and related activities that provides for early and ongoing user engagement in RS&T and develops user-capability in engaging productively with researchers.
- Commercialisation and technology and knowledge transfer support - research to increase the stream of commercial prospects from publicly-funded RS&T, and supporting and equipping users to engage with research organisations and applying the results of publicly funded RS&T.
Estimated Funding
An estimate of the amount of funds required to be
allocated by the Foundation for the purposes of the Scheme is $26.45 million in 2010/11, excluding GST. Actual funding available will be published each year in the annual Estimates of Appropriation.
Estimated Period of Operation
I estimate that the Scheme will operate for a minimum of three years from 1 July 2010; however I anticipate reviewing this notice by 1 July 2011.
Monitoring Agency
The Ministry of Research, Science and Technology will monitor and review the Scheme.
Performance Measures
Annual performance measures for the Scheme will be published in the annual Estimates of Appropriation. Additional performance measures to measure progress will be specified in the Output Agreement.
Dated this 1st day of June 2010.
HON DR WAYNE MAPP, Minister of Research, Science and Technology.
1A description of each tool is contained in the Supplementary Notice
of Tools for Ministerial Schemes under section 8A of the Foundation
for Research, Science, and Technology Act 1990, published in the
New Zealand Gazette on the same date as this notice.