Notice Type
Land Notices
Classification of a Reserve and Declaration That the Reserve be Part of the Rahu Scenic Reserve Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Community Relations Manager, West Coast Conservancy, Department of Conservation, hereby classifies the reserve, described in the Schedule hereto, as a scenic reserve, and further, declares that the said reserve shall form part of the Rahu Scenic Reserve, subject to the provisions of the said Act. Schedule Nelson Land District Buller District 9.2520 hectares, more or less, being Section 40, Block III, Lewis Pass Survey District. Dated at Hokitika this 14th day of May 1999. REG KEMPER, Community Relations Manager. (DOC File: Hk. RSS 0004)1CL
Publication Date
27 May 1999

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