Notice Type
Notice of Appointment of Members to the Survey Board of New Zealand Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to paragraph (a) of section 13 (3) of the Survey Act 1986, I hereby appoint the under-mentioned persons as members of the Survey Board of New Zealand for terms as shown from the date of the publication of this notice: In terms of section 13 (2) (b): Allan George Blaikie, m.n.z.i.s., registered surveyor Brett Douglas Gawn, m.n.z.i.s., registered surveyor Luke Steele Martin, m.n.z.i.s., registered surveyor Martin David Sinclair, m.n.z.i.s., registered surveyor In terms of section 13 (2) (c): Francis Helen Russell for a period of 3 years or such less term as the board remains in existence. Dated at Wellington this 20th day of September 1999. JOHN LUXTON, Minister for Food, Fibre, Biosecurity and Border Control.
Publication Date
23 Sep 1999

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