Notice Type
Land Notices
Revocation of the Reservation Over Part of a Reserve Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Regional Conservator of the Auckland Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, hereby revokes the reservation as a recreation reserve over that part of a reserve, described in the Schedule below. Schedule North Auckland Land District Papakura District 814 square metres, more or less, being Part Lot 1, D.P. 78842, situated in Block XIV, Otahuhu Survey District; shown marked ``A'' on S.O. 68713. Part certificate of title 34D/579. Part G.N. No. 997182.1. (Part New Zealand Gazette, 1981, page 1917). Dated at Auckland this 23rd day of July 1997. STELLA F. PENNY, Regional Conservator. (DOC File: LBY 28-011)1/1
Publication Date
31 Jul 1997

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