Notice Type
Meetings/Last Dates for Debts & Claims
Notice Calling Final Meeting In the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of Denagh Investments Limited (in liquidation) and Amodeo Investments Limited (in liquidation): Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the companies will be held at the offices of Coopers & Lybrand, Twenty-ninth Floor, Coopers & Lybrand Tower, 2329 Albert Street, Auckland 1 at 11 a.m. on the 31st day of October 1995, for the purpose of: (a) Having accounts laid before the meetings showing the manner in which the liquidations have been conducted and the property of the companies disposed of during the liquidations. (b) Hearing any explanations that may be given by the liquidators. (c) To consider, and if thought fit, pass the following extraordinary resolution in respect of each company: ``That the books and papers of the company be retained by the shareholders for the period required by Statute from the date thereof and then destroyed.'' Dated this 26th day of September 1995. K. J. BEARSLEY and R. D. AGNEWY, Joint Liquidators.
Publication Date
5 Oct 1995

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